Wednesday, November 08, 2006


On two major fronts.

1) My faith in American voters is restored! As of this writing, we know we have the House and the vote's still out on the Senate. I'm hopeful.

2) I had a truly thrilling moment today. I was in the library, doing research for my d'var Torah (words of Torah/sermon), and I had six books in front of me with post-its laid out all over. And I realized - this was IT. This was what I'd been wanting. For the first time in my life, I was actually reading Rashi and Ramban, not just talking about them. I was going to be quoting them, and eventually be able to read them in the original. It felt like home, literally being surrounded by the wisdom of the ages, and the words of our people. It cemented that this is what I want to do. And it felt quite... rabbinic. :)


Blogger Mara said...

Michal, I SO feel you. It is a shame we had to wait so long, but it is SUCH an incredible feeling to sit down with those books and get that FEELING inside. It makes you go "yes, yes...I've made the right decision." We're so lucky to know what it is we're meant to do.

Ok, that was cheesy/rabbinic Mara for 2 minutes. Shake it off...shake it off...


there we go.

November 08, 2006 7:07 AM  
Blogger Sheryl said...

I'm so glad you're having your rabbinic moment ... and that it's happening in the library!

I was also so happy that I _didn't_ have to wake up and cry when I read the election results.

November 08, 2006 3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Michal- Congratulations on your "Rabbinic moment" but take my word on this, rashi is not all he is cracked up to be. I mean when you have to have people comentating on his comentary (that was allegedly written for a five year old to understand)it is kind of odd. Oh! While on the subject of Rashi I found out the COOLEST thing in school last week! Rashi never actually wrote in Rashi Script. "Rashi Script" was a popular font for the sephardim community at the time and so when he published his first commentaries it was named for him.

Once again , CONGRATS!


November 08, 2006 9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey. I just wanted to respond to the whole election thing. It was so invigorating to see. I truly felt that the nation was galvanized into action, and it worked! I am feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time!

November 10, 2006 2:22 PM  

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