Monday, January 22, 2007

A very good day

Holly and Dan are having a boy! I just found out, and I’m so excited. Even if you don’t know them, cheer them on anyway. :)

In terms of more Jerusalem-centered things, Simcha was a big hit in class. My presentation was at the beginning of the second period, so Jonathan came into class during break, and we let Simcha run around the room so that he could explore and smell everything. He was loving it, and was very social when everyone started trickling in. But then my teacher came in and said, “Kitah Gimel [the class above us] wants to see the cat too! Is that okay?” Uh, sure, I replied – and it was fine for me… but the poor kitty got a bit overwhelmed with 25 people and lots of noise in the room. He looked adorable when Jonathan was holding him, but he was majorly unhappy when we tried to pass him around. That said, everyone loved him, and I felt that my presentation stood out against the usual.

Last night after the Cincinnati dinner we walked home with Jeffrey and Courtney, and spent forever on the street talking. This morning Jonathan came with me to the student service, since it seems like all our close friends took part: Nicole was a service leader, Melanie was the cantor, Courtney gave the d’var Torah, Mara and Ethan read Torah, and Rebecca served as golelet (the one who dresses the Torah).

After the service it turns out one of my classes was cancelled, so I went home til after lunch. Joe and Nicole’s power had gone out, and I joined Joe upstairs to act as translator when he was talking to the electrician. I felt so badly for Joe, but I loved helping; it really cemented my resolve that this is the right place for me. This is what I want to do, to make a difference in people’s lives (however small) for a living. There's an ironic beauty in the fact that both times that I’ve felt this surety about my path, I've been far far away from an actual classroom.

After this wondrous revelation, I of course went back downstairs and promptly indulged in chocolate. One should always take every opportunity to celebrate, right? Right!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, to Holly and Dan, from a well-broken-in-grandmother:
The news that a little boy is on the way is very exciting. Take very good care of yourself, Holly!
We'll all be awaiting updates and celebrating with you!!!
Michal's Savta...Lillian

January 23, 2007 6:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a brainstorm it was, Michal, to use Simcha as your 20-minute report. It's no wonder he was a big hit. Did you manage to deliver your twenty minutes of Hebrew without once making the mistake:
chAHtool = cat
chEEtool = diaper
Bravo for you if you succeeded!!!!
I hope Simcha's star-power hasn't gone to his head!!!

January 23, 2007 6:29 AM  
Blogger Michal said...

Hahaha I had no idea that was the word for diaper! I probably didn't use it, just because I didn't know it existed. I did introduce them to "chatal-tool," kitten, though. And Simcha's still as rowdy as ever.. he's in love with his feather, and meows at anyone who crosses his path to come play with him with it.

January 23, 2007 6:39 AM  

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