Big, fat flakes.
I am cold.
The end.
I am cold.
The end.
This blog is an informal chronicle of the life and times of Michal and Jonathan in Jerusalem. As it will be up to Jonathan to update it, the addition of new content may be random and infrequent, but he promises to try really hard to update often. Shalom
I got a digital camera for "Holiday" so now I can take lots of pictures! And you can actually see them!
BTW... It is snowing here soon. I am going to go sledding with my family tomorrow. This gives me an opportunity to wear my cool snowboarding pants. I haven't busted those out since Chicago.
Oh you poor baby! I know exactly how you feel. Before we got our "central heating," I used to have to wear layers and layers of clothing to try to feel warm. The biggest problem was deciding whether it was worth going to bathroom even when I had to because it was such a chore dealing with those layers!
yer Savta
Savta, I so feel you!!!
And Becca - our Vonage is on the outs, but hopefully it'll work soon and we can talk. Have fun sledding!
LOL! what California wimps ;-)
The other day we had a bit of frost here. I had to scrap the windows of the car - the kids were so excited - they said it was "almost like snow"! how quickly they forget.
What do you mean "forget"?! I bet they tried to block it out, it was too traumatic. :) I'm very scared for next year!
Do the hand, body and toe warmers help????
Love you,
Mom, they totally do!! I've been bringing them everywhere. The hand ones are the best, I just stick them in my pockets and they stay heated the whole time! Let's talk Monday before we go to Savta's. Our Vonage is still down right now - we haven't been home in the daytime to call them!
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