Directions for a weekend getaway

First things first: when one arrives at grandparents' houses, one must EAT:

(There was still more in the kitchen when this was taken)
Then one must play Rummikub, watch fun movies (in this case My Big Fat Greek Wedding), and stay up talking until all hours. On the way back one must see pretty scenery, like camels grazing:
Then, when one returns, one should nap.
Since Jonathan and I had such a good time last weekend, we didn't even notice how fast time went... and here we are, it's almost Pesach. My last day of class is tomorrow, and we leave for Athens Thursday night. Wish us well, and I'll resume posting when we get back! Chag sameach l'kulam.
Wow! You captured the fun essence of our birthday weekend, which Avraham and I are still enjoying!!! It was great!
It was worth the 4-hour trek for you, wasn't it? Live it up in Athens -- the Greeks really know how to celebrate life!
Your Savta
Oh my Lord, I"m SOO mad I'm not cat-sitting in May. Look at those darlings!
I blogged, please note!
Savta, it was most definitely worth it! Jonathan and I are excited to visit you again in May.
And Mara, woohoo you blogged! You have a great break too - tell Mark hi for me. :)
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