Like a hundred thousand tiny angels descending from the sky, the snowflakes fall. Some as big as a baby's hand. It's like a momentary gift from God above. With my cats in tow, I hurry to the kitchen window and open it up. I lean my head as far out as I can so I'm able to see the skyline; my cats join me. As far as the eye can see, small white flakes float from the heavens. The cats are amazed. They take turns, targeting a single flake from the hoard and carefully watching its individual descent until it falls from view. Alternating kitty heads bob up and down in rhythm to the flakes. At times, one of their chosen takes notice and floats down to greet them. Simcha jumps back in surprise when it lands on his nose. "What strangeness!" he thinks. He shakes his head and it's gone as magically as it appeared.
As much as I complain about the underlying conflict that plagues the populace here, there is an undeniable magic to this city. On days like this, I am reminded of it. There is something truly holy here that struggles against the flowing tides of hate and conflict. In a brief moment of triumph, let it snow.
As much as I complain about the underlying conflict that plagues the populace here, there is an undeniable magic to this city. On days like this, I am reminded of it. There is something truly holy here that struggles against the flowing tides of hate and conflict. In a brief moment of triumph, let it snow.

Snow from our kitchen window.

Ugh, it got on my head.
Oh Jonathan! This was a
2-handkerchief post! Your descriptions of Jerusalem-in-white strummed a symphony of historical harmony on my heartstrings. And I love the way you brought me back to the reality of today with the photos of Simcha and Osher and their puzzled wonderment. Thank you!!!!
yer Savta
Yeah......what Savta said.
and I LOVE THE VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE YOUR CATS WAY TOO MUCH. such a reflection of their parents.
Awesome video~ Loved it :)! Thanks!
Love YA!
Thanks for all the great comments guys!! I had even more fun recording it. =)
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