Sunday, April 22, 2007

Why do I admit these things?

Due to reasons I won't even begin to go into, it has now been sufficiently demonstrated that I cannot do a push-up. This is sad, pathetic, and even mildly embarrassing (which of course is why I put it on the blog... go figure). Jonathan, Joe, and even Nicole all correctly performed at least two push-ups. They suck.

All this as a long way of saying that school was boring today, but the evening has turned out quite nicely. After talking with my dad on the phone, I went upstairs to see where Jonathan had disappeared to - and was immediately fed dinner and dessert by our erstwhile neighbors. Over dinner we had a very interesting and serious conversation about Yom HaZikaron, Memorial Day. The siren had sounded for two minutes at 8pm tonight, and from tonight until tomorrow night is the day of remembrance for all Israeli soldiers who lost their lives in defending their country. Tomorrow night turns to Yom Haatzmaut, Independence Day, which is a day of jubilation. How interesting that the holidays are juxtaposed - extreme sadness and grief gives way to celebration, as it is recognized that Israel would not exist without the sacrifice of those who fell while founding it.

All this, of course, was mere build-up to the demonstration of exercise prowess. I still maintain that I outshine them all in leg strength.... but if the laughter was any indication, I don't think they really believed me. Hmph, I say, hmph.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Israel's 59th Independence Day. During that short national lifetime, we have suffered five (5) major wars and three intifadas. Ours is a people's army -- every boy serves for three years, and every girl for two. After that, reserve duty continues until -- I think the age has been reduced to 55. (It used to be 65) You sometimes have three generations in one family in service at one time.

The sacrifices of our soldiers in defense of our nation can never be adequately acknowledged and honored, but we do our best.

For me, the most solemn day of the year is Memorial Day, today, Remembrance Day for our fallen soldiers. And as difficult as it is to make that instant switch at 8:00 pm from mourning to rejoicing and celebration, it is the best way we can thank our fallen for giving us our freedom.

It is truly an emotional roller coaster.
your Savta

April 22, 2007 7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can recommend a good trainer (me)......but you might have to sweat a little and even,OH NO(!), lift some weights!

PS: Personally, I think you're perfect just the way you are.

April 22, 2007 11:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmm.... The only push-ups I relate to are those exotic bras that accentuate protruding cleavage... and since you have no need of THEM.... Waddaya fussin' about??????
yer Savta

April 23, 2007 9:45 AM  

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